EFC launch new Code of Conduct for Competitions
The EFC is delighted to launch a new Code of Conduct which sets out the safeguarding standards of conduct for all those involved in EFC Fencing Competitions.
Development of this code of conduct was started by the participants in the EFC Competition Safeguarding Officer Course, organised by British Fencing and delivered as part of the EFC Solidarity Programme initiative. The participants recognised the need for a common set of behavioural standards to help Competition Organisers and Competition Safeguarding Officers understand what should and should not be accepted, particularly in competitions for children (U18s).
The resulting standards reflect EFC's commitment to providing competition environments free from harassment and abuse, it's desire to grow fencing for young people in Europe, as well as reflecting generally recognised standards of discipline and good sporting behaviour.
Ana Valero-Collantes, EFC Comex Member said "As we welcome more and more young people into our sport from across the world it is important that we set out common standards of practice to help us create the best environments for them to have fun and develop. I would like to thank the participants of the EFC Event Safeguarding Course for their work on this"
Etienne Van Cann, EFC Vice President, said " This is a great example of how the Solidarity Programme can deliver meaningful change and improvement to our sport through the collaboration of our national federations."