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Inspection visit to Minsk

Senior Championships 2020

Recently the inspection visit of the EFC Secretary General, Jacek Slupski, the EFC Sport and T...

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Romania's Popescu, Team Poland Win Gold at Tallinn Women's Epee World Cup


TALLINN, Estonia, Nov. 1-3, 2019—In the first FIE senior world cup of the 2019-2020 internati...

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The World Championships ended in BUdapest

World Championships

The world fencing championships ended with the last two teams events, women's saber and men&#39...

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Women's foil and men's epee to continue the teams events

World Championships

On the second day of the main teams fencing events of the World Fencing Championships 2019 in Budap...

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Teams events at World Championships started

World Championships

The first two teams events took place in Budapest, at the World Fencing Championships 2019, startin...

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The last individual event in Budapest

World Championships

The last two individual fencing events took place at World Championships in Budapest introduci...

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Men's epee and women's foil in Budapest

World Championships

On the second day of the main fencing events of the World Fencing Championships in Budapest, men&#3...

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The first world champions from Budapest

World Championships

The first two individual events finished at the World Fencing Championship in Budapest, closing men...

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